Thousands of men get a vasectomy every year. If this is a procedure that you are thinking about getting done, then you are most likely finished with having children. Having more children will not fit in the phase of life that you are currently in. If you are thinking about having a vasectomy done, there are a few things that you should know.


  1. A vasectomy is typically done in a doctor’s office or clinic. It is a fairly simple procedure that can be done without the use of a scalpel
  2. A vasectomy does not result in an immediate sterility. You may have viable sperm for several weeks
  3. Swelling and bruising at the incision are to be expected. You can take a pain reliever to help with the pain. If you do experience an increase of pain or swelling or develop a fever then you may have an infection and you are going to need to get medical attention as soon as possible
  4. You do not need to worry about having an increased risk for diseases
  5. You do not need to worry about having sexual difficulties after the procedure
  6. A vasectomy will not protect you from sexually transmitted infections
  7. It is possible to reverse


Having a vasectomy is a very common procedure. While there are risks involved, the procedure is a relatively safe procedure. The idea of having a vasectomy can be beneficial for you, especially when you get the procedure done when you are older.


If you want to have a vasectomy done then you should contact Newman Urology—your Las Vegas Urology company—today.