by Dr. Lawrence Newman | Apr 5, 2017 | advanced prostate cancer, Gleason score, Las Vegas Urologist, las vegas urology, metastatic prostate cancer, prostate, prostate biopsy, prostate cancer, prostate cancer screening, prostate exam, prostate problems, psa, transperineal mapping biopsy, transrectal biopsy, Uncategorized, urologist, urologist las vegas, urologists, urology
New information regarding prostate cancer treatment continues to be made available and large multi-year studies are data-mined to answer new questions. What are the most predictive parameters to help decide if prostate cancer should be treated aggressively or...
by Dr. Lawrence Newman | Feb 23, 2017 | advanced prostate cancer, genetic testing, Las Vegas Urologist, las vegas urology, prostate, prostate biopsy, prostate cancer, psa, urologist, urologist las vegas, urologists, urology
It is common knowledge that PSA is an important but imperfect test for detecting prostate cancer and for evaluation of treatment success. Why Is PSA Important but Imperfect? For screening and detecting prostate cancer the usage has become controversial as to who...
by Todd Heskett | Jan 23, 2017 | advanced prostate cancer, prostate, prostate biopsy, prostate cancer, prostate cancer screening, prostate enlargement, prostate exam, prostate obstruction, prostate problems
The prostate is an important organ of our body which is located under the urinary bladder and produces a constituent of semen. According to reports by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), prostate cancer is second most prominent cancer among males in the...
by Dr. Lawrence Newman | Sep 29, 2016 | kidney cancer, Las Vegas Urologist, prostate, prostate biopsy, testosterone, testosterone replacement therapy, urologist, urologist las vegas
I thought for this blog I would find some interesting articles in the Journal Of Urology, which I think is Urology’s gold standard journal for the latest urological research and developments What Are The Latest Developments? First up is a summary of an article about...
by Dr. Lawrence Newman | Apr 1, 2016 | prostate, prostate biopsy, prostate cancer, testing
Huge breakthroughs may be upon us with respect to various prostate cancer molecular testing that can supplement not only PSA results but also biopsy results to help guide the evaluation of PSA and prostate cancer. The testing is not only genetic but also what is...